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Review: Short.Fast.Loud 27.03.2013

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ImageAs someone with a new found interest in punk and hardcore I was quite eager to listen to and subsequently review a radio program that was centred on this music genre. My knowledge and experience with punk and hardcore is quite limited, so it was enlightening to listen to this show and get a view of what current punk/hardcore music is like. For the first 25 minutes of the show Stu Harvey had barely spoken. He had been coming in every now and again to announce segments coming up in the show and in later shows. Other than that they would just play song after song with a station I.D. in between to break up the songs.

After listening to just over 30 mins of the program it became clear that punk rock was more to my liking than hardcore. For the most part, from what I heard on this episode of Short.Fast.Loud, modern pop-punk is pretty much Blink 182 repackaged for a new generation.My initial preconception of the show, before I listened to it, was that it would have a little bit more of a discussion of the music and musicians involved with the songs being played. However when Stu started speaking pretty much everything he said was plugging shows of the various bands.

During Stu’s interview with the band, Bring Me The Horizon, he did proceed in a very professionally manner. He clearly was a fan of the band which led to an interesting interview with questions that weren’t generic and unfamiliar. His questions led to my further enjoyment of The Horizon’s songs when they, the band, explained where and how they came up with a particular song that was then played.

After about an hour of listening to the show I was a little disappointed that there weren’t as many punk songs as there were hardcore tracks. Maybe it’s that I don’t really know the difference or that I have a misconception on what punk is. But that being said I still enjoyed listening to show with all the songs played and the interview with Bring Me The Horizon which quenched my desire for a more in depth look into some the artists that were being played on the show.

Triple J Wednesday 10pm – 1am

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